Happy National Chemistry Week!
Happy National Chemistry Week! This year’s theme is “Picture Perfect Chemistry,” highlighting the importance of chemistry in photography and imaging.
Imaging has a crucial role at NNCrystal US Corporation because it allows us to visibly see the structure of our quantum dots and nanoparticles. Because the human eye cannot detect individual quantum dots and nanoparticles due to their small size, we use Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to create images of the individual nanoparticles in our products. For example, in the TEM image above you can see individual iron oxide nanoparticles and their even size distribution. TEM imaging is a useful tool for our product quality control, particularly for non-fluorescent nanoparticles such as our Fe3O4 nanoparticles.
Quantum dots and nanoparticles are also involved in various imaging applications. For example, iron oxide nanoparticles are being explored as potential contrast agents for bio-imaging applications such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission topography (PET). Fluorescent quantum dots can also be used in conjunction with imaging and are currently being explored as potential bio-labels due to their brightness and stability.
If you want to learn more about quantum dots, nanoparticles, and their potential applications, check out our product solutions page.