What is full spectrum lighting?

Full spectrum light means light that contains all wavelengths of the visible light spectrum, mimicking natural sunlight. All these wavelengths together create true white light like sunlight.

The goal of any LED light is to produce this full spectrum light. The problem arises from the fact that all LED lights are based on blue LED chips which produce pure blue light. This is because blue LED chips are the most stable. A yellow phosphor is placed on top of the blue LED chip to convert the blue light into full spectrum white light. This is where NNCrystal US Corporation’s EyeMate bulbs differ from other LED bulbs. EyeMate bulbs feature a state-of-the-art remote phosphor which is more effective at converting the blue light into full spectrum light. Remote means the phosphor is not directly on the chip but formed into a cone which is placed over the chip. EyeMate phosphors convert more blue light, reducing the LED blue light spike, and resulting in an industry-leading Ra97 CRI, or Color Rendering Index rating.

Conventional LED bulbs rated as Ra80-Ra90 CRI are not as effective in converting the blue light, and often use an inexpensive on-chip phosphor. This is why standard LED lights can appear harsh, and colors under standard LED light often seem distorted or lackluster. In contrast, EyeMate full spectrum light appears softer, warmer, and more natural.

The Color Rendering Index is an essential metric for evaluating full spectrum lighting. This index contains values from 1 to 100 Ra, with 100 Ra being the CRI value for natural daylight. Under 100 Ra light, colors appear accurately and vividly. Basically, higher CRI values equate to more accurate and vivid colors. The accurate perception of color is important for many applications. For example, artists such as painters and photographers often require color accuracy to complete their artwork.

Color temperature is another important metric for evaluating full spectrum lighting. The color temperature of natural daylight ranges from 3000K to 6500K, with early morning and evening light having a color temperature around 3000K and midday light having a color temperature around 6500K. Ideally, full spectrum light should also fall within this color temperature range to effectively simulate natural light.

Full spectrum lighting has many benefits. Full spectrum light can positively impact your mood and well-being, especially during winter and cloudy weather when sunlight is limited. For this reason, full spectrum light bulbs are commonly used in SAD lamps to treat seasonal affective disorder.

Full spectrum lighting is also very useful for artists and creatives. Under full spectrum light, colors appear as if they are under natural sunlight which benefits artistic endeavors that require color accuracy such as painting, photography, or applying makeup.

Some full spectrum lightbulbs, like EyeMate Full Spectrum LED Bulbs provide blue light protection. Standard LED lights often have a blue light spike which can potentially lead to eye strain, headaches, or interruption of the body’s natural circadian rhythm. EyeMate Bulbs reduce this blue light spike to alleviate these potential harmful effects of blue light.

If you want to experience the benefits of full spectrum lighting, check out our EyeMate Full Spectrum LED Bulbs here.

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